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发布时间:2024-09-23 04:32:42


中图分类号:G25 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2017)04(c)-0234-04Abstract: Since the first Open Source Integrated Library Systems has been published in 1999, it gradually exhibited its evident advantages, and has been approved by amount of foreign libraries, especially in some well-known foreign law schools. Based on the current situation of automatic market about foreign libraries, the advantages and scoring systems of OS-ILS were elaborated. In addition, setting Koha and Evergreen as example, the development history and current situation of OS-ILS were expounded. Moreover, based on the application in foreign academic law libraries and the cooperation with cloud computing in the future were given a detailed explanation. Then the successful experience and need for development of OS-ILS were concluded aiming at providing new thoughts for domestic academic law libraries.Key Words: Open source。下面以这两款OS-ILS为例,介绍OS-ILS的发展及现状。

云计算扩大了可用资源的类型,如文件存储、数据库和Web服务等,并且将适应范围延伸至Web和企业应用程序,极大程度的满足了OS-ILS的运营需求。总体来说,Koha具备极好的执行质量,并且具备的功能展现出极好的实用性。Open Marco Polo是款免费软件,但它受制于GPL,而GPL的源代码无法获得,因此,也不属于真正的OSS。

基于上述需求,BLSL选择了Koha,并且选择By Water Solutions公司提供支持服务。此外,云计算极大增强了互操作性,图书馆用户可按自身需求选择理想的功能包,既增加该馆特色,又完善自动化水平[8]。


根据最终得分,将其分为4个层次:(1)不活跃的软件系统(得分:0),此类OS-ILS的源代码或开源社区已经数年未更新、升级。2.2 大数据相关技术大数据技术不但在概率统计、趋势分析、客户研究等方面有着出色的表现,在图情领域也具有其它技术所无法比拟的优势[12]。



