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发布时间:2024-09-24 09:46:50



开发性较强。3.3 通讯功能拥有强大的信息传输功能是数字图书馆区别于传统图书馆的最大特点。虽然传统图书馆对于信息资源共享在实践中和制度上都有明确要求。


中图分类号:G250.74 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-914X(2016)16-0283-02To investigate the characteristics of Digital Library and its influence on Library Science Education[Abstract]The advent of the digital era, our country in the field of all walks of life have made tremendous development, the spread of digital technology for the development of industry has injected fresh vitality. The development of digital library has become an inevitable trend, is the important embodiment of social development. Digital library construction for library science education brings opportunity for development at the same time also put forward a more severe challenges, so actively explore effect of digital library to modern library science education, promote the sustainable development of modern library science education has an important significance. Based on the discussion of digital libraries and library science education, focusing on the analysis of the characteristics of digital library, the development main problems, and affected contemporary library science education, has certain reference value on the study of related issues.[Key words]Digital Library。




