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发布时间:2024-09-24 06:28:47

  4 结语  总之,高校图书馆人才队伍建设是一项系统的综合工程,尤其是体育院校的一项长期性的根本任务,它不是一朝一夕的单纯进人,也不能靠一蹴而就的大量投入。

(1) 整还书传送带线程取得任务,辨别任务类型。根据故障情况进行处理。

基于此,结合上述两种方法,提出一种闭架书库控制系统,实现两个主要功能:用程序对所有的设备进行控制,以实现图书的借、还、运输等操作。巷道车传送带:连接多个巷道车和整还书传送带。则种群中单个个体(书格点序列) 的适合度函数如式(3)所示:(3) 产生初始种群,按随机方法产生一组初始种群。

显然能够说明控制系统能够对闭架书库硬件设备进行合理地调度,完全达到了设计要求。(2) 对闭架书库当前运行状态进行监控,向可编程控制器(PLC)发送指令控制硬件运行,实现整个借还书流程。


TM417 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2016)13?0116?05Abstract: Aiming at the problems of plenty books, wrong book placement, books hidden by readers and difficult checking in the library, a closed shelf stack control system was designed to realize the books′ automatic borrowing and returning functions. The improved genetic algorithm for book picking operation is researched, which can effectively improve the problems of long?time and low?efficiency book picking operation. The running experiment for the whole closed shelf stack control system was carried on. The experimental results show that the designed closed shelf stack control system to automatically borrow and return the books is effective.Keywords: closed shelf stack。因此,藏书利用水平的高低,是衡量当代图书馆工作质量的主要标准。



