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发布时间:2024-09-23 19:52:22

  二、现代图书馆的职能定位和运作模式  (一)职能定位  上世纪中叶,图书馆的工作重点是针对以印刷品为主的纸媒体时代的信息保存与收集,多数图书馆本身就具有相应的目录索引来实现对书籍的管理工作,而管理工作的实现方式完全依靠人力来进行。


另外,华南理工大学的华图小微,读者不易识别。2.3 缺乏特色内容,服务形式和内容单一通过调查高校图书馆微信公众号的历史信息,从服务内容上看,高校微信平台推送内容最多的是通知公告、新书介绍和专题讲座等。由于高校图书馆的读者大部分是对网络用语极为敏感的大学生,因此这种标题往往可接受度更高。

G252 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-5707(2017)03-0020-04Abstract: The establishment of WeChat public platform of libraries of colleges and universities is a new way of communication to integrate interactive advantage of WeChat with library services. The establishment of WeChat public platform is the further development of libraries and WeChat in the new technology and is the need to meet the demands of modern life and work. The use of WeChat public number is helpful to improve the level of library services, and is beneficial to the exchange and information resource sharing between libraries and users. This article analyzed the status quo of WeChat application of libraries of colleges and universities and the existing problems in the use of WeChat public platform in libraries, put forward to relevant suggestions for improvement, in order to make WeChat public platform play a greater role in the future services of the libraries.Key words: libraries of colleges and universities。图书馆进而对公众号改版升级,挖掘其潜在的有价值的功能,为读者提供形式多样、内容丰富的信息服务,满足读者的信息需求,提升读者的信息素养,实现微信公众平台的功能性、实用性、趣味性。



2.3 灵活快速微创新是细节上的改进,较为便捷灵活。中图分类号:G252 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-5707(2017)03-0043-03Abstract: Micro-innovation is an innovation model meaning that small changes bring big benefits. Hospital libraries belong to small-scale professional libraries, with the features of high profession, small scale and fixed users. Because of the limitation of scale and fund, it is suitable for hospital libraries to carry out micro-innovation services. Micro-innovation of hospital libraries have the features of user thinking, librarian-reader interaction, flexibility and rapidity, and continuous improvement. Micro-innovation service measures include enhancing the communication and cooperation among libraries, using reader decision-making purchasing model, compiling and pushing secondary documents, promoting first-inquiring responsibility system, applying the Wechat public platform, supporting the hospital research work and developing Information Commons.Key words: micro-innovation。


