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发布时间:2024-09-23 18:32:09

  (2) 服务提供者向数据提供者发出ListSets请求和ListMetaFormats请求。


数据提供者根据服务提供者的请求返回其所能提供的满足一定条件(如某种格式,某种主题,某个时间段)的元数据。3.3 OAI?PMH命令动词的请求和应答格式分析(1) 请求格式3.4 OAI六个动词的设计(1) 概要设计当数据提供者接收到OAI请求后,需对该请求进行解析。服务提供者取得元数据后向用户提供服务。

② 处理客户端源代码Client,可以利用一个URL或一个集合的性质创建HarvesterItinerary类用于描述harvester类的状态,HarvesterItinerary类中可以对Harvester类的状态进行保存。OAIConnection类可以描述一个到OAI的连接,用于接收单一的请求,该连接是基于用doReques或基于仓储的URL所返回的Response。

中图分类号: TN915.04?34。

第二步和第三步的递呈也是按照此步骤处理。2.2 长安校区图书馆新馆中家理念的建设(1)树立家的感觉的服务理念,建立高素质高水平的专业队伍。

中图分类号:G258.6 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdks.2016.05.088Abstract The government and society on the connotation construction requirements more and more high, as the important sectors of the construction of university library should will feel at home concept fusion to the usual management services, pay attention to the connotation construction, to further improve the quality of service, the building has a distinctive style and cultural characteristics of the modern library. Based on this, in this paper the author resides in the Changan campus library construction as the research object, carries on the discussion from the aspects of home feeling connotation construction of library, put forward: establish feel at home service concept, to establish a high level of high-quality professional team。②尽可能的让读者参与图书馆建设与发展。


