位置导航 :上海济光职业技术学院>会计毕业论文>

发布时间:2024-09-24 08:41:04



当投票数相等时,会议主持有最终决定权。中图分类号: G259 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1003-6938(2014)02-0010-04Abstract The Royal Charter and Byelaws ,issued 1933, is the fundamental basis of the corporate governance of the London Library.The London Library is a library of membership. Membership fees are the main source of income.Annual General Meeting is the highest authority of the library, making decisions of the Trustees, amendments to the Royal Charter and Byelaws, and deliberations of the annual reports & financial statements, etc..The Trustees is the decision-making layer of the library, being responsible for making the important decisions, revising the library policies, and promoting the library services. In the intervals between meetings of the Trustees conference, its functions shall be conducted by the Chair of Trustees. Librarian (Chief Executive) is appointed by the Trustees, in accordance with resolutions of the Trustees, being responsible for the library administration and management.There are some official ways on overseeing all aspects of the Librarys operation and governance.Keywords The London Library。理事会通常由10―14名理事组成,理事均由会员大会选举产生。



理事长由理事会选举产生。3.2 楼梯和走道无障碍残疾人高等院校图书馆的各个走道应采用平坦且摩擦力较大的直线型设计。

并且在每个过道一侧的地板上开通盲道。3.4 门和电梯无障碍门应设计成向内开启的,门槛和门内应设计成斜面,方便肢体障碍的人坐轮椅出入图书馆。


