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发布时间:2024-09-24 07:02:21



笔者接触过西部某示范区市级图书馆馆长,在交流中发现,这位馆长对总分馆几乎一无所知。珠三角是我国经济最发达的地区, 2011年珠三角地区生产总值达43720.86亿元,人均GDP达71693元[18],该地区也是国内乃至国际重要的高新技术产业生产基地。……,新京报记者在此统计发现,3个小时中,共29人上前查看,其中只有1人借书,还书人数和办卡人数均为0[8]。

4.3 放大了作用图书馆是一个组织体系而不只是一座建筑,组织体系以设施体系为基础,由总馆、分馆、借阅点、流动图书馆组成,实行统一管理,形成服务体系,是图书馆事业发展最基本的规律[17]。中图分类号: G250.7;G252  文献标识码: A   DOI: 10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2015122Librarys 24-hour Self-service: Critiques, Misunderstanding and ReflectionsAbstract Librarys 24-hour self-service has two forms: self-service library and ATM. Critiques from outside are caused by librarians misunderstanding that the self-service library and the ATM is the same thing and the machines are introduced as projects. ATM is a component of library service and now it is regarded as the main part of library service. No clear understanding of the innovative spirit behind the ATM and the social responsibility of the library are some of the reasons. The blind introduction of ATM reveals the problems in the construction of public library service system.Key words Dongguan Library; 24-hour service; self-service library; library ATM; public library service system图书馆24小时自助服务,是一个含义较广的概念,本文讨论的24小时自助服务是指公共图书馆建成的24小时自助图书馆服务,以及主要用于街区的图书馆ATM机服务。


相对于县级以下服务体系构建,中西部城市图书馆服务体系构建的困难要小得多,完全可以借鉴东部图书馆服务体系总分馆的做法,创新本地区图书馆服务体系。2.2 互联网+给当前图书馆带来的转变借助互联网+的全新思维与理念,图书馆将成为提升信息资源配置能力,加快信息服务效率,增强科研创新驱动力的重要支撑力量。

一方面,数据互联的前提是资源的融合,跨学科、跨领域、跨系统和多边界的交叉数据资源融合是整个图书馆大数据发展的重要趋势。中图分类号: G250.7  文献标识码: A   DOI: 10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2015124An Exploration of Integrating Library Based on InternetAbstract It is the necessary way of combining Internet + with library to promote the development of integrating library. This study firstly introduces the development process, key conception and typical characteristics of Internet +, and it expounds that Internet + acts as the crucial impetus to drive the transformation of library. On this basis, the paper analyzes the main contents and distinguishing features of integrating library, and discusses the main problems that need to be paid attention to and solved.Key words Internet +; library; integrating library; interconnection; smart service1 引言互联网的迅猛发展与快速演变,不仅体现于技术层面,更是引发了经济社会认知模式和思维理念的大转变。


