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发布时间:2024-09-24 09:36:05



数字图书馆网络入口并不明显,也很少进行专门的推广。杨丹丹[3]提出的建立辽宁省图书馆数字文化驿站对高职图书馆数字化阅读推广有一定借鉴意义。英国传播学家拉斯韦尔在其著作《社会传播的结构和功能》中提出了著名的 5W传播模式。

2.5 With What Effect:数字化?读推广效果评价指标体系缺乏现有的阅读推广效果评价研究主要是针对纸质图书或全媒体的。目前,全球开放的期刊数量已超过2万种,机构知识库数量超过2500个。

中图分类号:G252 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2017)06(c)-0211-03Abstract:In the digital era, the traditional way of reading is gradually reduced, and the digital reading based on computer and mobile phone is growing. Therefore, it is a new subject for higher vocational library to explore the promotion strategy of digital reading.Application of Lasswells 5W propagation model diagnosis analysis of higher vocational college library digital reading promotion activities, it is found that there are five big problems: the lack of the main body of the promotion, the pertinence is not strong, the content is complex, the form is single, the effect evaluation mechanism is lack. Five promotion strategies are put forward: Construction of the main body of reading promotion, the cultivation of reading objects, the integration of reading resources, the improvement of reading facilities, the implementation of reading promotion evaluation.The library of higher vocational colleges should give full play to the function of information dissemination, innovate the digital reading promotion mode, and improve the service quality of readers.Key Words: Digital reading。

3.5 实施数字化阅读推广评价(With What Effect)实施阅读推广评价机制可以很好地规范数字化阅读推广活动,控制质量,合理分配资源。(1)合作沟通能力未来,图书馆之间、图书馆与其他组织之间合作交流日益增多,这对图书馆员的沟通能力提出了更高要求:图书馆员必须能有效地与合作伙伴进行沟通,能够向读者群体清楚地展示图书馆的价值和提供的服务,说明这些服务是如何实际地影响人们的生活。


2 图书馆员服务能力的提高图书馆的正常运作主要依靠图书馆馆员,图书馆员的思维习惯和能力水平干系重大。图书馆员必须时刻关注行业发展,培养自身创新能力。

