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发布时间:2024-09-24 02:39:46

Optelec Spectrum允许将材料按原来的尺寸放大60倍[25]。


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其次是在技术工作层面减轻常规运维负重,把更多的精力放在应用开发、系统互联、信息揭示、新技术应用等更具创造力、技术引领性的工作上。中图分类号: G250.7 文献标识码: A DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2016007Next Generation Library Service Platform based on the Internet + library ThinkingAbstract Internet + has become the dominant strategy in the development of various industries in China. The development ideas of Internet + library and the next generation library service platform as a software infrastructure are discussed. The aim is to provide a reference for the development, promotion and transformation of library based on the Internet + thinking and the construction, selection and improvement of the next generation library service platform. Based on the comparison of the software features of the Internet + era and the features of the next generation library service platform, as well as the Alma operation experience, the ideal basic features of the library service platform are proposed. The construction idea, approach and the problems needed to be paid attention to are also discussed.Key words Internet +。互联网+一经提出就引起了图情界的普遍关注,在中国知网图书情报与数字图书馆子库中利用互联网+在篇名中进行检索,2015年共有48篇相关研究论文(检索日期:2015年12月24日),主要讨论了互联网+时代图书馆的基本特征、应对措施、发展策略、建设路径、创新转型、阅读推广等领域[4-6],但作为互联网+图书馆核心技术支撑的软件基础设施还未见专门论述。

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4 结语软件支撑与互联网+是相互促进、共同演化的关系[7]。电子阅览室读者群体的多样性和需求的差异性要求电子阅览室工作人员不仅要树立读者至上的信念,还要掌握多种信息技术,才能做到为读者提供精细化服务。



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