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发布时间:2024-09-23 11:10:36


中图分类号:G252 文献标识码:A DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017087The Support, Premise, Efficiency and Future of Credit Service for Public LibrariesAbstract Public library credit service is a new way of service carried out in the field of public library in China within these recent years. Library resources and services could be used by users through their social credit index directly exempt from their library cards and deposit. Although library credit services are different from traditional forms of service, it is not creation, only a new way of service and a transcendence of traditional service. The establishment of the user credit system or the combination with the social credit institutions is the basis for the development of credit services in the library. Library credit service is one of the important means to improve the effectiveness of the library services, and integrated innovation and social participation are the guarantees of the realization of the library credit service. The alliance and standardization are the future directions of the library credit service.Key words library credit service。研究图书馆读者信用管理多、对图书馆信用服务实践研究少。

2.2 图书馆信用服务并非服务创新信用服务是图书馆基于用户个人信用而向其开展图书馆服务的一种形式,信用往往是以信用指数来体现的。也只有社会力量参与,真正的图书馆信用服务才具有可行性与可实现性。在此类服务模式中,国内图书馆实践未见将图书馆信用体系与社会信用体系联结起来的实例,即支撑体系图中的③。

在这里,信用不再表现为一个指数,而是一个能够证明用户住址、按时缴费的凭据。5 图书馆信用服务的最大功用:提高效能服务效能提升是当前乃至未来几年我国公共图书馆重点追求的改革目标,也是《公共文化服务保障法》所规定的基本任务。



中图分类号:G25 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-9082(2017)11-00-01一、和谐图书馆建设概述所谓和谐图书馆就是认真协调图书馆的人文环境以及物理环境等要素,强化工作人员的服务意识,增加工作人员与读者的互动与交流,最大程度的激发读者的读书热情,满足其文献信息需求。很多喜欢读书的人会选择在图书馆中完成图书阅读活动,工作人员提供的人性化服务对于图书馆的持续发展来说显得至关重要。


