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发布时间:2024-09-24 05:51:07









对此,在管理方式上,相关人员不应拘泥于传统的图书馆管理思维,要善于利用网络带来的极为便利的运作模式,改变图书馆固有的运作模式,通过传递科学的情报实现科技发展的提速,同时也是将科学知识与科学技术融入并提高生产力的一个过程。2.5.2 图书馆创客空间建设 目前国内主要研究内容为建设要素分析、构建步骤研究及运行模式、影响因素分析。


To understand the research status of the makerspaces in libraries in our country through the analysis on the research literature of the makerspaces in libraries in our country. Methods 185 articles about makerspaces in libraries from CNKI were set as data sources. SATI 3.2 and CITESPACE Ⅲ were used to conduct a bibliometrics analysis on time distribution, journal distribution, distribution of article authors, and institution distribution. Results A total of 185 articles were searched, which were distributed in 42 journals and published mainly in 2013-2016, involving a total of 116 research institutions. Combined with literature reading, the research results of makerspaces in libraries in our country mainly focused on three aspects: the basic theory of makerspaces in libraries, the construction of makerspaces in libraries and the practice study of makerspaces in libraries. Conclusion The research on makerspaces in libraries is currently in the research hot stage, and the research results are increasing quickly. However, through analysis on the existing research results in China, it is found that the research contents are relatively superficial, the research level is not deep, most of them still stay in the level of basic theory and foreign case analysis, which lacks empirical and domestic practice to explore the share.Key words: libraries。bibliometrics。





