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发布时间:2024-09-23 22:05:55

  中图分类号:G252 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-2457(2018)03-0183-003  Practice and Exploration of Social Service in the University Library of Chinese Medicine  JIA Jia YI Fu-hong LU Hong-ling LI Wang*  (Library of Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Wuhan Hubei 430065, China)  【Abstract】Under the environment of advocating nationwide reading and building a scholarly society, the university library of Chinese medicine should shoulder the important responsibilities of promoting nationwide reading and promoting the culture of Chinese medicine. This paper takes the Library of Hubei University of Chinese Medicine as an example, from three aspects of funded by library of the second detention center of Wuhan, dissemination of scholar culture into hannan community, for graduates to deal with alumni reading card to discuss the practice of university library of Chinese medicine serving the community. The paper also puts forward some suggestions on how to carry out the social service in the university library of Chinese medicine from the perspective of service special group, community and alumni.  【Key words】University Library of Chinese Medicine。


目前登记在册的特殊读者有37人,工作人员常年坚持利用业余时间送书上门,彼此相处亲如家人。3.4 利用现有资源举办老年读者网络培训服务近年来,丹东市图书馆数字资源部利用现有资源,针对附近社区老人开办老年读者电脑培训班,为对网络知识感兴趣的老年读者提供电脑知识培训服务。同时,现代图书馆越来越丰富的视听资料、电子文献和网络文献也满足了部分老年读者对于新科学、新技术的求知需求。


4 结语图书馆要利用自身优势做好老年人的服务工作,吸引老年人走进图书馆、利用图书馆,使图书馆融入他们的晚年生活。

为老年人的晚年生活增色添彩,为社会和谐发展做好文化支撑,是图书馆的社会责任,也是图书馆人应积极思考的问题。2.2 来源期刊分析本次调查的802篇科研论文分布在159种来源期刊上,平均每种来源期刊刊发论文5.04篇。


笔者对14所高等体育院校图书馆的合作度和合作率的统计显示:①14所高等体育院校图书馆作者之间的科研合作度为1.48,合作率为27.81%。2 数据分析2.1 论文数量分析论文的数量分析往往代表着高校图书馆的科研产出能力。

