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发布时间:2024-09-24 05:13:59



2 推动高校图书馆服务创新的具体措施2.1 创新服务理念作为一种教育服务机构,高校图书馆存在的意义就是为教育服务的。5 结束语综上所述,为了顺应时代发展的潮流,更好地为广大师生读者提供服务,推动高校图书馆服务创新和能力提升已经成为必然趋势。中图分类号:G258.6 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdkx.2017.03.084Abstract As is known to all, to carry out teaching activities in colleges and universities, scientific research activities, and its role in students knowledge development cannot leave the university library and university library management quality is closely related to the activities of colleges and universities. Especially in recent years, the trend of university librarys networking and professional development is more and more obvious, the teachers and students in colleges and universities also puts forward higher requirements on the university library, and makes the university library service faces huge challenges, and at that time, if the drive ability of the university library service innovation and service has become a hot topic in the colleges and universities to discuss. This article starting from the meaning and the demand of innovation in university library, expounds the concrete measures of university library service innovation, and further discussion on the trend of university library service innovation, the service in university library, puts forward the corresponding countermeasures, improve the capacity in order to better serve the college teachers and students.Keywords university library。



2.3 对移动图书馆所具有的服务进行集成对移动服务进行集成的目的在于保证服务体系所具有的高效和完善性。3.3 巩固其文化地位由于用户档案服务模式的构建,图书馆的服务范围扩大了许多,图书馆在了解用户信息的同时,可以增进用户与馆员之间的沟通。

来满足不同人群的文化信息资源需求,这样才能真正体现出图书馆的意义所在,才能把文化信息资源传递给更多的人2 RFID技术在管理图书过程中的现状及不足2.1 资金成本方面的限制信息技术的运用需要资金方面的物质支持,RFID技术也不例外。

3 提高RFID技术在高校图书馆应用效率的策略3.1 做好相关的调研工作要想实现RFID技术在图书管理过程中的有效运用,前期的调查研究工作必不可少。如果图书都要使用RFID技术标签,在高校图书馆库存量巨大的情况下,光标签的成本就需要几百万,在政府资助高校教学设备资金的大多数情况情况下,很难能够将RFID技术实现广泛运用。

