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发布时间:2024-09-24 10:02:50


中图分类号:G258.6 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdkx.2017.03.084Abstract As is known to all, to carry out teaching activities in colleges and universities, scientific research activities, and its role in students knowledge development cannot leave the university library and university library management quality is closely related to the activities of colleges and universities. Especially in recent years, the trend of university librarys networking and professional development is more and more obvious, the teachers and students in colleges and universities also puts forward higher requirements on the university library, and makes the university library service faces huge challenges, and at that time, if the drive ability of the university library service innovation and service has become a hot topic in the colleges and universities to discuss. This article starting from the meaning and the demand of innovation in university library, expounds the concrete measures of university library service innovation, and further discussion on the trend of university library service innovation, the service in university library, puts forward the corresponding countermeasures, improve the capacity in order to better serve the college teachers and students.Keywords university library。比如说,通过Web2.0、3G 等技术在高校图书馆中的应用,让知识网络技术、内容可视化技术等服务实践成为了可能,使得人们对高校图书馆信息服务需求和期望得到了很好地满足。


4 促进高校图书馆服务能力提升的对策与建议4.1 不断丰富和优化馆藏结构高校图书馆应该对师生读者的专业特点、信息需求、科研需要等进行详细调研,从而针对性地完成相关书籍的定购和采集工作,为师生和科研人员提供需要的信息资源。另外,高校图书馆还可以有计划的购进电子资源文献或者多媒体资料,加强高校非书资源建设,从而使高校馆藏结构的信息资源体系越趋多元化。另一方面,加强馆员的继续教育培养,提高其科学文化水平,促进其专业造诣提升。


同时,为了顺应高校图书馆未来的发展需求,对图书馆服务从业人员来说,必须具备一定的计算机能力和管理能力,还要有适当的数字化能力,从而推动高校图书馆服务方式创新。4.3 建立与读者交流的平台为了更好地了解读者需求,为读者提供服务,高校图书馆应该加快建立能够与读者直接进行交流和沟通的平台,可以通过设置网上留言、留言信箱或者设置参考咨询台,这样既能够为读者表达需求提供方便,又能让图书馆对读者需求加以了解,进而据以制定合适的服务策略,让读者需求得到有效满足。


3.2 先进技术的引入众所周知,技术是改变和提高人们生活的内在动力。

2.3 创新服务方式现如今我国数字出版量逐年攀升,图书和资源总量有了明显提高,那么高校图书馆就必须努力完善日益增长的图书量和信息量,加快服务方式创新,这是今后一段时间高校图书馆应该研究的重中之重。2.2 加大图书馆的宣传力度图书馆在我国社会中虽然发挥着重要作用,可是还存在部分公众对图书馆了解不深的现象。







