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发布时间:2024-09-24 00:37:01

G252 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-5707(2017)03-0020-04  Abstract: The establishment of WeChat public platform of libraries of colleges and universities is a new way of communication to integrate interactive advantage of WeChat with library services. The establishment of WeChat public platform is the further development of libraries and WeChat in the new technology and is the need to meet the demands of modern life and work. The use of WeChat public number is helpful to improve the level of library services, and is beneficial to the exchange and information resource sharing between libraries and users. This article analyzed the status quo of WeChat application of libraries of colleges and universities and the existing problems in the use of WeChat public platform in libraries, put forward to relevant suggestions for improvement, in order to make WeChat public platform play a greater role in the future services of the libraries.  Key words: libraries of colleges and universities。

1 医院图书馆的特点1.1 专业性强医学是一门不断发展的学科,医学知识的更新尤为重要。因此,要充分满足医院各类读者的信息需求,医院图书馆就要借助外界力量,通过馆际沟通、馆际互借等方式,提高本馆文献资源保障率

bibliometrics。发文量最多的作者为陈艺、马骏、刘小芳,分别发文3篇。中图分类号:G250.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-5707(2017)03-0016-05Abstract: Objective To clarify the development course and trend。

从微观角度看,读者也可以接触新兴科技、培养动手实践能力,对提升馆员业务能力也具有重要意义[13-14]。按照文献发表的数量趋势可以将研究分为2个阶段:⑴ 2013-2015年为第一阶段,文献发表呈逐年上升趋势,说明图书馆创客空间的相关研究逐渐受到我国图情领域众多学者的关注。


2.5.3 图书馆创客空间实践研究 图书馆界在明确创客空间内涵后,纷纷建立创客空间,扩大图书馆服务范围,发挥其促进知识创新的作用。前者看似很合理,能集中由采访部门处理类型各异的出版物,并集中协调使用经费,但采访部门采访图书的做法实际上导致图书资源的采访与利用被割裂。



