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发布时间:2024-09-24 03:29:20


将图书馆的各种服务功能整合在Web站点,创建一个读者搜索引擎服务入口。中图分类号:N99 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2017)05(a)-0240-02Abstract:The wisdom library of higher vocational education should be based on the actual needs of its own development, should the graduates from the past, the industry and enterprise employees into the service object, to build readers and librarians to guide the service platform, readers and readers to exchange platform for collaboration and readers And expert technical service platform three platforms, around the information services, intelligent classroom and mobile learning services, and then education services and difficult to answer four major features of the service content, from the content of the literature and the characteristics of the construction of special resources for readers to provide special services.Key Words:Vocational。

因此,增加服务对象就成了高职智慧图书馆发展的一个较好的选择。3 拓展服务内容3.1 信息服务(1)集成化信息服务。1.1 服务校友终身学习校友是学校建设和发展的最大最好资源,历届毕业生和走出去的职工,不管身在何方,也不管成就如何,都在牵挂和关注母校的发展,甚至不遗余力地支持学校的发展。

图书馆可根据读者个性化的需求,通过QQ、博客、微博、微信、BBS、E-mail及更先进的网络工具为读者提供符合需求的服务情境和定向化的预定信息与服务[3]。4.2 种类上纸质文献和电子文献相结合,馆内文献和馆外文献相补充。



1 扩展服务对象由于智慧图书馆投入成本较高,原有的主要服务对象――师生员工,不足以平衡投入的成本,会带来利用率低下、?Y源浪费等的问题。中图分类号:N99 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2017)05(a)-0240-02Abstract:The wisdom library of higher vocational education should be based on the actual needs of its own development, should the graduates from the past, the industry and enterprise employees into the service object, to build readers and librarians to guide the service platform, readers and readers to exchange platform for collaboration and readers And expert technical service platform three platforms, around the information services, intelligent classroom and mobile learning services, and then education services and difficult to answer four major features of the service content, from the content of the literature and the characteristics of the construction of special resources for readers to provide special services.Key Words:Vocational。

2.2 读者与读者交流协作平台群体智慧是互联网时代信息资源建设和服务的重要渠道,图书馆可按照专业的不同建立读者与读者协作交流平台,充分发挥读者群体智慧解决读者资源获取、学习困局、企业发展的问题伴随信息环境和用户需求的发展,图书馆经历了传统服务、知识服务、智慧服务三个阶段。

