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发布时间:2024-09-24 11:27:08




interactive decision theory。Abstract: Bandura has proposed a theory that to judge a value of a psychological theory is to determine this theory can accurately predict the behaviour or not, this theory must be able to accurately explain in detail factors which will affect the behavior and the relevant intermediary mechanism causing the behavior and the change. So, Bandura did not agree with the the theory thath individual and environment play a decisive role, at the same time, Bandura made it clear that the interactive decision theory to support himself, including the interaction relation of environment, behavior and cognitive function in the process of peoples social learning. The revelation from the perspective of the public library service for children readers has been known that librarians should establish a positive example, and use a reward or punishment way to strengthen good social behavior of children readers. In order to provide better services for children, librarians need to have a higher moral level and service abilityKey words: Bandura。⑤能够设计相关的项目活动,对项目进行实施以及评估,具有较强的明确读者需求的能力。







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