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:tg Windows 版下载

发布时间:2024-09-23 23:20:47

  4 进一步发挥街区图书馆第三空间功能的思考  4.1 提高重视,增加投入  4.1.1 保障经费投入。

所以说,现在我们只能对此有一个美好的愿望[10]。childrens service中图分类号:G252 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2017)17-0243-021 交互决定理论班杜拉则同意这样一种观点,就是判断一种心理学理论所存在的价值的高低,就是要判断这种理论可不可以准确地预测相关行为,这种理论必须能够详细准确地阐述清楚哪些因素对人的行为会产生影响以及造成这种行为产生变化的相关中介机制[1]。

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为了让儿童们能有比较稳定的社会行为,儿童们就需要能够把一些外在的标准逐渐转化为自身的一些标准,然后通过使用这些标准对自身的行为进行评价、调节以及监督。2 交互决定理论对公共图书馆服务儿童读者的启示2.1 公共图书馆应该为儿童读者提供良好的服务环境交互决定理论中,班杜拉则认为环境和个人之间在社会化进程中互相产生作用,产生了人的社会行为,这也就让我们更加明确地看出人的认知因素以及社会因素给我们的孩子在童年时期行为产生相互的影响。

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Abstract: Bandura has proposed a theory that to judge a value of a psychological theory is to determine this theory can accurately predict the behaviour or not, this theory must be able to accurately explain in detail factors which will affect the behavior and the relevant intermediary mechanism causing the behavior and the change. So, Bandura did not agree with the the theory thath individual and environment play a decisive role, at the same time, Bandura made it clear that the interactive decision theory to support himself, including the interaction relation of environment, behavior and cognitive function in the process of peoples social learning. The revelation from the perspective of the public library service for children readers has been known that librarians should establish a positive example, and use a reward or punishment way to strengthen good social behavior of children readers. In order to provide better services for children, librarians need to have a higher moral level and service abilityKey words: Bandura。第三,服务内容板块分散,欠缺有效的集成。



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