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发布时间:2024-09-24 04:13:35

  4 结语  通过调研英美20所高校图书馆数据素养教育情况以及探讨普渡大学和剑桥大学图书馆的最佳实践可知,国外图书馆正积极探索数据素养教育,并已形成较完善的数据素养教育模式:教学目标明确,面向学科调研科研用户的数据管理需求,有针对性地培训数据管理知识和技能。


G259.712 文献标识码: A DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2016015Web Accessibility in American IVY League Schools for People with DisabilitiesAbstract This study evaluates the websites of the US Ivy League Schools for accessibility by users with disabilities to determine if they are compliant with accessibility standards established by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). By using the web accessibility evaluator WAVE and email survey, the author found that among selected sixteen websites in the eight universities, each site has good availability and operability, and all the libraries websites offer services to people with disabilities and links to disability services, especially offer screen readers and other assistive technologies to enhance the access of people with visual impairment. However, errors are present at all the websites. The most common problems are the lack of missing document language (44%), redundant link (69%), suspicious link (50%), and skip navigation(44%).Key words library website。残疾人网页主标题是多样的,至少有9种不同的名字,其中有一些有点相似。(5)咨询。




3 大数据时代图书馆面临的问题大数据时代,图书馆有能力且有条件开展数据挖掘分析工作,图书馆的硬件设施、人力资源、技术支持、经费运算和管理体制等均受到大数据时代的挑战。此外,2014年1月,美国的电子零售巨头亚马逊宣布了一项新的专利:预判发货(Anticipatory Shipping),即在网购时,顾客还没有下单,亚马逊就将包裹寄出。


