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发布时间:2024-09-24 02:52:25

  一、公共图书馆讲座发展共性  (一)发展特点  第一,讲座常态化。

在线社会网络快速普及与移动互联网和手持上网技术发展有着很大的关系。4 结语 社会网络环境对于图书馆的知识转移而言既提供了良好的发展机会,也蕴含了很大的挑战。

要调查分析研究用户的阅读倾向,以用户喜闻乐见、丰富多样的形式吸引更多人参与。馆员加入到用户特定知识社群中,需要具有该知识群体相关的学科背景,也需要尽快彰显存在,与群体用户建立强关系,以赢得用户的信赖,顺利实现知识转移。中图分类号: G250.1  文献标识码: A   DOI: 10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2015135Change of Library Role in Knowledge Transfer in Social Network Environment and CountermeasuresAbstract Knowledge transfer in social network environment is characterized by knowledge content fragmentation, transfer path diversification,transfer process contextualization, knowledge source and knowledge receptor blurred. The role of Library in the whole knowledge transfer system has changed greatly, which has been changed from the intermediary organization as primary while service organization as supplement to laying equal stress on intermediary organization and service organization, paying more attentions to knowledge management and service organization. In order to complete the change of the role of the library, the librarys knowledge transfer needs to take through strengthening the reading promotion to improve the resources utilization rate, through the construction of knowledge community to strengthen the social relationship between the library and users, micro knowledge organization and service and other measures.Key words social network environment; library knowledge transfer; service role; countermeasures 所谓图书馆知识转移,是指图书馆利用知识管理技术通过采集、挖掘、整合其拥有的或能获取的信息资源及员工的知识智慧资源,根据用户的需求提供知识服务的过程,主要包括以其信息资源为主体的显性知识转移和以其工作人员为主体的馆员的隐性知识转移[1]。




2011年,东莞创建全国第一批公共文化服务体系示范区,经过几年的创建,全市32个街镇共建有18个24小时自助图书馆,而图书馆ATM机只有15台。6.4 职业敬畏是服务体系构建的保障缺少了对图书馆职业的敬畏,就没有了动力和方向。


