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发布时间:2024-09-24 02:34:36


Tang dynasty。本文则认为该文书是8世纪的古突厥语和汉语的对译词汇集,是可与突厥鄂尔浑碑文相提并论的最早期的古突厥语资料。

一 文书出土地与年代《英国国家图书馆藏黑水城文献》所收资料大部分均带有K.K.标号。文书断片现存规格为28.0×9.0厘米[1]。9世纪中叶吐蕃势力退出塔里木盆地后,麻扎塔格即被荒废[6-7]。

G256 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-4106(2017)03-0060-06Abstract: Or.12380/3948 is a Sino-Turkic Bilingual vocabulary fragment from the Stein Collection in the British Library that was published in the 5th Volume of the Khara-Khoto Documents Collected in the British Library. It was generally believed to be a Sino-Persian bilingual vocabulary manuscript dating to the Mongolia-Yuan dynasty, though it was actually unearthed from the Mazar-Tagh site in Khotan, Xinjiang, and was written in the period when Khotan was ruled by the Chinese Tang Empire. As the language turns out to be none other than ancient Turkic, this manuscript is of important historical value for studying an ancient script about which little is known.Keywords: Aurel Stein。关于该文书,西田龙雄最早指出其作为对译资料的价值。

ancient Turkic language20世?o初,斯塔因(Aurel Stein)率领的英国中亚探险队挖掘并收集到大量多语种文献,其中大部分现藏于伦敦的英国图书馆。




